Rebecca Jeter
Outreach Ambassador

Rebecca Jeter has been attending Unity since 2017. As a congregant of Unity Fort Worth (UFW), she was fascinated with Unity’s approach to spirituality from the very beginning and got involved right away. Rebecca is an avid Unity student, working through the SEE program with interest in pursuing the Licensed Unity Teacher path. She also co-leads the Sunday Meditation group, has offered weekly meditations throughout the lock-down time, has hosted healing circles, serves as a platform chair, and is now the leader of Unity Friends, UFW’s team that provides pastoral care and prayer support for their community.

As a CPA in forensic accounting and with more than 20 years experience offering her accounting expertise to businesses in various fields, Rebecca works with UFW’s leadership to ensure the financial health and a excellent stewardship of the Abundance that is already and always available. As USCR’s outreach ambassador, Rebecca focuses on connecting with member ministries at a level not ever reached before. With a heart in pastoral care, she is the perfect person to initiate a personal and meaningful support to our ministries.